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Why Choose Reliablespace?
Why Us? Here are a few reasons to choose Reliablespace as your web hosting service provider.
Transparent Pricing
There are no hidden charges when you are doing business with Reliablespace. You only pay the price that is mentioned.
Reliable and Trusted Server Technology
Our servers are world-class website serving powerhouses. Each server is utilizing Dual 5530 Gainstown, 8 cores, RAID-10 protected hard disk space, with 12 GB of RAM. As you can see, we only use the best in hosting hardware setups.
With server-side technologies and software, we provide users with PHP 5.2 & 5.3 w/ Zend Optimizer, MySQL 5, Ruby on Rails (Ruby 1.8.7 & Rails 2.3.3), Python 2.3, 2.4, 2.6 & 3.0 and Perl 5.8.
Each hosting plan also comes with your standard GD Graphics Library, cURL Library, ImageMagick 5+, Server Side Include (SSI) support and CGI-BIN and Site-Wide CGI support.
We have all your standard website hosting features you have come to expect from one of the best web hosting providers out there.
Unmatched Support
Reliablespace support is available 24/7 via email with our average response time of less than 60 minutes.